Wednesday, December 31, 2008

D. It is Written

"I fly like paper, get high like planes......."

Slumdog Milionaire makes me a slumdog in my heart. In my mind I am running with the children of the slums, through the colorful riot of garbage and filth, smelling their dreams and fear. I am there afraid, waiting and watching and running for my life, running for my dreams, running to catch my love. 

This is Life. This is Cinema. 

Get on top of a train with Jamal and Salim, and feel this country at its very raw core. Feel their childhood and yours. Feel innocence and the gangster in you rising at the same time. 

Feel Hope. 

Feel complete with all the senses coming together to embalm you with joy and passion. 

Its a rush of blood to the head which flows effortlessly from the present to the past and back. While you wait in anticipation for the hints of the future in your head to come to life. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

waiting for more posts...and photographs!